(i guess you're reading this. so i keep my word.)
i met some fresh souls last evening (do you mind being called souls, or does this compromise the whole atheist/agnostic paradigm?). old and new friends of a sort: former Christian school peers turned atheists/agnostics. first i must thank you with all the candor in my heart for the lovely time--i enjoy chat, and you were just the right kinds of "boys" with which to have a lovely chat. (you must know i call you "boys" with all the kindest intentions.)
first i must say i appreciate your abstaining from trying to "convert" me. as i said, i'm learning everyday of my LORD's love for me. it is stunning. it is consuming. it is breath taking. (you may call it my opiate if you'd like) you may also call me an idealist as well. that i wouldn't even begin to argue with: "pseudo-science" tells me that.
second, i did enjoy the camaraderie in knowing that others are as strangely obsessed with the whole "revelation-of-self-by-figuring-out-if-i'm-a-T-or-an-F" thing. it's always mind-altering when i meet others of strong personality. (i abhor self-ignorance) it's all part of the path. it all makes me appreciate them and me more. i am amazed daily. yes, another very "idealist" thing to do. (meanwhile she reality checks what she just said....so many dragons, so little time.)
finally (and oddly enough most refreshing), i was reminded of how much GOD doesn't make sense. how i can't possibly fathom what He has done, what He is doing, or why--and in this very singular thing i find the most JOY. i can't figure GOD out rationally. i can't say He is "orderly" (in an academic post-enlightenment sort of way). i can't count Him, or fashion a box big enough for Him to dwell in. i can't only talk of one experience in my own "meta-narrative." i can't give you a linear timeline of how i came to have faith in such a GOD as this (linear is over rated anyway in my opinion). this all may seem weak-minded and slow-witted, but these are the pressures in my soul that you inflicted last night for which i am most indebted. the small deaths that brought the phoenix from the ashes once again to "godfather" watching, christmas shopping, hanukkah celebrating, and a thousand other tiny magical moments.
(if you doubted the idealist before: doubt not.)