
final irresponsibility

tomorrow morning the blissful abandon that i have used to ignore my email will cease. i will have to open and respond to the 30 some-odd emails that await my return and attention.

a brief nightmare.


serendipity said...

at least you are alive. i was wondering if you had fallen into the holiday abyss. hope you get all those cards and letters answered and have a great first few days back after all your relaxation. :)

serendipity said...

i just am noticing your page is white. very clean and bright.

crt said...

have a safe trip back from the "holiday abyss." by the serendipity, good to hear from you.

serendipity said...

i am so glad you are my friends. i know that sounds all eighth grade, bff necklace wearing, pinky swearing, and matching purses carrying. but i mean it in the most sincere, grown-up way possible. i am blessed.

crt said...

hope your first week back in the land of responsibility is going well

crt said...

did responsibility swallow you whole and now won't relinquish you from its cavernous stronghold? miss you, elea.

OnTheJourney said...

where have you been? hope all is well.

crt said...

we believe elea to be lost in the underground city rumored to be under the school. :-) the search party has had no luck in finding her and neither have we. love ya, e...

OnTheJourney said...

Thanks crt...I was afraid that had happened as I know it occasionally did in my time there...

Perhaps she will emerge soon.

crt said...

we can only hope!

OnTheJourney said...

elea come back!