

i will no longer be satisfied with scraps.

i want the feast, or none at all.

"o woman, great is your faith! let it be to you as you desire."
matthew 15:28


Marla said...

hey, this is Marla! :-) just thought i'd say hi. i hope you're doing well. . . ttyl. :-)

Gloamer said...

I want a sign.
I know it means joining the "wicked and faithless generation"... but I'm already wicked and I'm faithfully faithless, so nothing's new. Besides inthe end, they got a sign.

I want a sign!

good_eyed_sniper said...

I NEED A FEAST!!! But none of that potluck mess, I need the real deal.

If I don't get one, I'm skipping the light fantastic out of town!

elea said...

the LORD answered my prayer.
none at all now.
feast later.

the answer was clear.