
vanity, vanity

i would rather get a typhoid shot than shop for a new swim suit. yesterday i started swimming again with a friend after a 4 month hiatus. my "pool" suit had been sleeping in the bottom of the laundry basket for the duration of that time waiting to be pulled out for use. so, yesterday i packed it up with my towel and other swimming ephemera (with visions of sugar plums dancing in my head) so that i wouldn't have to come home after work to retrieve it (gas prices being what they are). when i went to put the suit on, it felt a little loose. i know i haven't lost that much weight during my summer hours of inactivity! (ah, how beautiful they were) when i got into the pool, i realized it wasn't my shrinking body that was causing the problem, but my ever expanding suit. whatever spandex that was in the suit is now swimming with the fishes. miraculously it made it through one swim, and was quickly tossed into the trash. hence, the desire for a typhoid shot. i've decided only 6ft 9in sports illustrated girls look good in a swim suit. they are terribly unflattering, and the "athletic" suits are even less so. heaven forbid you look well porportioned when you swim laps! (my vanity speaks) they are either too short in the torso, or too wide across, so i get to choose between being drawn and quartered or over exposed. neither is a good look for me.
so, i paid way too much for a swimming suit that will only be worn when swimming laps, and will lose its ability to "spandex" in a matter of a few short months.
ah, the high price of beauty...

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