
“no doubt, if we’d had our minds on our job when we were at the ruinous city, we’d have been shown how--found a little door, or a cave, or a tunnel, met someone to help us. might have been (you never know) Aslan himself. we’d have got down under those paving-stones somehow or other. Aslan’s instructions always work: there are no exceptions.”

--the silver chair

i’ve been reading james of late--such a vast book for only five chapters. chapter four has been on my mind perpetually. i tend to skip past the first few verses to get to “you have not because you ask not.” i park there, try to “work it out,” and then get upset with GOD because He seems to break His promise in my circumstance. i decide there is no way i am “asking amiss” to “consume it upon my lusts.” after all, i’m not lusting after anything....right? so, where does the warring come from? from my desire for my own way. from wanting what i don’t currently have. and what does that lead to? asking amiss. so, maybe the thing i pray for isn’t wrong, but could the thing i want be my last ditch effort to escape from the thing that i really am “consuming upon my lusts?” possibly. definitely in my circumstance. my mom always says that God has to peel away the layers in order to get to the heart of the issue (see dragon-eustace having his scales torn away until he emerges a tender peeled switch). when God’s working on the current one, we forget about the numerous layers beneath, and how the outside one is not the ultimate issue, but merely a symptom of an overall dragon-problem.

“but He gives more grace”


Justin said...

thanks for this. seeing you writing again gives me a small measure of hope...

crt said...

i've been praying for you. it's good to have you back in the blogsphere if only for a moment.

Gloamer said...

"The first tear that he made was so deep that I thought it had gone straight to my heart. And when he began pulling the skin off, it hurt worse than anything I've ever felt. The only thing that made me able to bear it was the pleasure of having the stuff peel off."

serendipity said...

glad to see you back my friend. you have inspired me to get back to blogging as well. hope you have a beautiful day full of blessing and grace !

crt said...

God is good all the time. all the time God is good. (even when he's not being safe or busy tearing off the layers)

crt said...

praying that your last week is filled with His bountiful grace.