
“i would rather be eaten by you, than be fed by anyone else”

i think i have a warped view of submission. it’s an idea/word that we toss about glibly without understanding it. submission has come to imply a forced response under diress (either self-diress or other-diress). usually the idea of submission causes me to shutter. there doesn’t seem to be very much faith in the concept, but rather a sight walk of pushing one’s self into obedience. yes, i can force myself (for a time at least) to submit to GOD. (notice the importance of *myself* in this.) i’m no scholar, but i’m not sure this is what the LORD meant by submission. i believe submission is abandonment. think about the difference between these two “obediences.” abandonment implies letting everything about self go. when i abandon to GOD there is nothing i can hold onto, because everything i have left to hold onto has been swept away in the act of abandonment. in reality, abandonment is harder than our warped view of submission (and yet, so much easier) because i have no control when i abandon. instead of curling up in a ball, protecting the most tender parts of my body and soul at the feet of the LORD, i have allowed Him to place me at the foot of His throne, back on the ground, heart exposed, arms spread wide. is this safe? no. do i serve a good GOD? most definitely. (read “til we have faces” for a stunning example) there is learned faith in this kind of obedience because i have stopped looking up from my place of fetal-position-obedience, and started looking up at a good Father from my heart-exposing-obedience. He is all i see. this is not blind, existential faith, but rather GOD-seeing faith. i may choose to lay with hands pressed firmly on my eyes in a blind position of abandonment , but it’s not until i have had my hands removed to see Christ that i have fully abandoned.

like hwin (“horse and his boy”) i choose to be eaten.

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