
echthros--from the greek, meaning “enemy”

i would like to propose a word that needs to be “echthrosed.” if you’ve ever read madeline l’engle’s book “a wind in the door” you’ll know what i’m talking about. if not, let me explain. the ecthroi are black hole-creatures. they make nothing out of something. they don’t kill things, they “x” them out so they never exist. they anti-create. they unname. that’s what i’d like to do with the word “coincidence.” give it the old madeline’s “x.” in the past i have been guilty of tossing this word about glibly, but no more. i believe in a GOD that has absolute control over everything. nothing happens unless He has done it, or allowed it. a few posts ago i mentioned the elijah homegoing in 2 kings 2. i’ve been pondering this passage this evening in light of some things that have happened lately, and the application is becoming clearer. elijah ask elisha what he wants before he rides off in a blinding chariot, and elisha tells him he wants a double portion of elijah’s life repeated in his. here’s the condition elijah establishes: “if you’re watching when i’m taken from you, you’ll get what you’ve asked for. but only if you’re watching.” so these two best friends keep walking together discussing their favorite starbucks flavor, old inside jokes, that time elijah ran faster than ahab’s chariot, the amazing things they’ve seen GOD do, and then “wham!” the gossamer veil is pushed aside to give a peek of heaven. the chariot and cavalry enter without warning, sweep up elijah, and are gone. elisha sees it all happen! he tears his clothes in mourning, picks up the cloak elijah discarded before riding off, asks GOD where He is, goes to the edge of the water, and slaps to part it just as elijah had done. and it works! GOD gave him the power of elijah. coincidence? nope. elisha? nope. the work of the Heavenly Miracle Dealer? pretty much. so why do i miss the miracles? i’m not watching. i’m too busy looking for coincidence to see the miracle of the mid-prayer phone call, the unanswered email, and the forgetful colleague.

consider it xed.


elea said...

or now that i think of it, a little like "anti-creating" or "unnaming" to call miracle coincidence. we should rather be "namers." call it a miracle. don't let it become nothing.

elea said...

oh, i'm happy that madeline and i are such "friends!"

Justin said...

i sent this to our beloved friend, brittany. it really got her thinking. that girl is growing.