
unruly waters

i asked the LORD if i could step out of the boat. He said "come." i walked on the roaring waters just a few minutes, and now i'm transfixed by the waves. have i done the wrong thing by asking? have i asked the LORD too much?

i sank on friday evening. i am still sinking.

i am afraid.

"o thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?"

on my way to church right now, and i am begging the LORD to show me some clear answer.


crt said...

in, general, the soul makes greater progress when it least thinks so...most fequently when it thinks it's losing - st. john of the cross. Christ didn't allow peter to sink...

serendipity said...

dearest friend of my heart. i am praying. remember peter. God mastered the circumstances at the peak of their impossibility. i am crying with you friend.